Chemical Properties of Sodium Chloride

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Sodium is an alkali metal and is the sixth most abundant element on earth, making up 2.8 percent of the planet’s crust. Sodium is the main component of table salt, and it also occurs in a number of other common compounds that we use in our daily lives.

It is a white crystalline substance that has no smell and a salty taste. It is hygroscopic, which means that it tends to absorb moisture from the air.

In aqueous solution, sodium chloride conducts electricity very well. It has a melting point of 801 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 1413 degrees Celsius.

The ions in sodium chloride form a giant three-dimensional lattice structure that is arranged in an endlessly repeating pattern. The ions are arranged face-centered cubic (fcc) and the arrangement is referred to as a “cube.”

There are two types of ions: positive and negative. The larger ions have more layers of electrons around them than the smaller ions, and therefore they have bigger electrostatic attractions.

These attractions are strong and hold the crystal together. But if you apply a stress that shifts the layers slightly, these attractions break and the crystal falls apart. This is typical of ionic solids.

Unlike other salts, sodium chloride is soluble in water. The attraction between the ions is weaker in water than it is in other solvents, so water molecules can help to break up the crystal lattice.

Sodium chloride is an essential part of our lives and its ionic properties make it a vital electrolyte for many biological systems. It is used in many medicines and as a preservative for food. It is also spread on roads to melt ice and prevent traffic accidents. It is also used to treat dehydration and is a popular spice to add flavour to food.